Saturday, December 14, 2024


The main focus of our books is poetry, but the last two paperbacks, Kneptune and Marinets, have also featured generous amounts of photographs. Before them, Beiku featured images of artwork by Ben Mandelson. Most of the books now in preparation for 2025 will also include photography.

Some of these images are being posted now on Instagram, and we invite you to have a peep over there and follow us for more pictures.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

New book: Marinets

A new book, with poetry by Paul Taylor and photographs by Hilary Morton, will be published in May. Marinets will be launched in Hull on May 30th at Ground Gallery in Beverley Road. 

Last year, at Humber Street Gallery, Hearing Things was an event with poet John Robinson and percussionist Gary Hammond performing with Paul Taylor. This time, we are lucky to have performance poet Jim Higo.

Monday, March 18, 2024

New book: Kneptune

The new book of poems and photographs, Kneptune, will be launched on 22 March 2024, 18:00h, at Cafe Deli Felice, 40 Albion Street, London SE16 7JQ. Nearest station: Rotherhithe, on the Windrush Line.

Kneptune book party


Wednesday, December 20, 2023


There are five books now available: Better Late Than Sorry, Other Ranks, Beetles, Robots and Beiku.

A new illustrated book, Kneptune, inspired by a particular building and locality in South London, is in preparation for launch in March 2024.

A nautically-themed book, Marinets, is nearing completion and is scheduled to appear by June 2024.

Beyond this, a wide range of other books is being written, including works about Buckminster Fuller and design.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Our Books

We have four books available so far: Better Late Than Sorry, Other Ranks, Beetles and Robots

The fifth book, Beiku, is almost ready for publication and two collaborative books with visual artists are also in preparation for 2024. 

Beyond this, a wide range of other books is being written, including works about Buckminster Fuller and design.


The main focus of our books is poetry, but the last two paperbacks, Kneptune and Marinets , have also featured generous amounts of photogra...